우리들의 이야기/볼거리

로이터 2010의 사진

조태형 2011. 1. 28. 11:09



 로이터 2010의 사진
쿠바 해변 거리의 젊은이들 젊은이들이 9월 16일(현지 시간) 쿠바 아바나의 엘 말레콘 해변 거리에 모여 있다.
/Enrique De La Osa


교황 기다리는 소녀들 9월 17일(현지 시간) 영국 런던 서부 트위크넘의 세인트 매리 대학교 예배당에서 아이들이 교황 베데딕토
 16세를 기다리고 있다. 교황은 나흘 일정으로 잉글랜드와 스코틀랜드를 방문 중이다. /Max Rossi


모잠비크의 광부 9월 19일(현지 시간) 모잠비크 마니카의 한 금광에서 광부가 미소를 짓고 있다. /Goran Tomasevic


깜찍한 보노 아일랜드 록밴드 유투(U2)의 리드싱어 보노가 9월 22일(현지 시간) 벨기에 브뤼셀의 보두앵 국왕 경기장에서
열린 360도 콘서트에서 공연을 선보이고 있다. /Thierry Roge


신이시여, 왜 이런 시련을 구르자다 씨(76)가 9월 25일 파키스탄 키베르 파크툰크와주(州) 차르사다에서 홍수로 파괴된
사원 안에 앉아 기도를 드리고 있다. /Adrees Latif


황소의 역습 8월 22일(현지 시간) 스페인 말라가의 말라게타 투우장에서 보조 투우사 페드로 무리엘이 소의 공격을 받고 있다.
 /Jon Nazca


나오미 캠벨, 데뷔 25주년 모델 나오미 캠벨(가운데)이 9월 26일(현지 시간) 이탈리아에서 밀라노 시내의 돌체&가바나 매장에서
열린 자신의 데뷔 25주년 기념 파티에서 눈물을 흘리고 있다. 왼쪽은 디자이너 도메니코 돌체, 오른쪽은 스테파노 가바나.
/Stefano Rellandini


물대포 맞는 시위자들 9월 30일 독일 슈트트가르트 기차역 옆의 공원에서 경찰이 시위대를 해산시키기 위해 물대포를 쏘고 있다.
이날 수천 명의 사람들이 슈트트가르트 21 지하철역 공사를 위해 기차역과 공원을 허무는 것에 반대하며 시위를 벌였다.
 /Michael Dalder


주택가에 구멍이 ‘뻥~’  5월 31일(현지 시간) 과테말라 수도 과테말라 시티에서 열대성 폭풍 ‘애거사’로 인해 거리에 큰 구멍이
나 있다. 중앙 아메리카를 강타한 애거사로 인해 최소 175명이 숨졌다.


헝가리 슬러지 유출 피해 현장 10월 9일(현지 시간) 헝가리 부다페스트 서쪽으로 약 150km 떨어진 콜론타르에 위치한 알루미늄
공장 슬러지 댐의 모습. 빅토르 오르반 총리는 이날 슬러지 댐이 또다시 붕괴될 수도 있어 2차슬러지 유출이 우려된다고 경고했다.
 /Laszlo Balogh


새장 수리하는 남성 10월 11일(현지 시간) 북아이랜드 랜달스타운에서 팻 매키프리 씨가 새장을 수리하고 있다.
 /Cathal McNaughton


아찔한 사고 아마추어 125cc 라이더 조던 자모라(호주)가 10월 15일 멜버른 인근 필립 아일랜드에서 열린 호주 그랑프리 연습
레이스에서사고를 당하고 있다. /Daniel Munoz


나카 얼굴에 바른 미얀마 아이 10월 14일(현지 시간) 태국 북서부 매솟 인근의 학교에서 촬영한 미얀마 난민 소년. 얼굴에 흰
점은 사나카(thanaka) 나무 껍질에서 얻은 가루로 미야마의 전통 화장품이다. 약 14만 명의 미얀마 사람들이 오랜 정치적
위기를 피해 더 안전한 생활을 할 수 있는 태국으로 왔다. /Damir Sagolj


동상과 사랑에 빠진 소녀? 10월 17일(현지 시간) 미국 펜실베이니아 필라델피아의 리튼하우스 광장에서 한 소녀가 동상 위에
앉아 있다. /Brian Snyder


모델의 강렬한 눈빛 10월 18일(이하 현지 시간) 스페인에서 열린 세비야 패션쇼 시작 전 한 모델이 무대 뒤에서 대기하고 있다.


안개에 싸인 집… 10월 22일(현지 시간) 요르단강 서안지구 나블루스 인근 게리짐(Gerizim)산에 위치한 팔레스타인 주민의
집이 안개에 싸여 있다. /Baz Ratner


카메라 바라보는 아프간 아이들 아이들이 10월 25일(현지 시간) 아프가니스탄 헬만드 주 쿤자크 인근에서 카메라를 바라보고 있다.
/Finbarr O`Reilly 


에어포스원의 그림자 10월 31일(현지 시간) 미국 오하이오 주 클리블랜드 상공을 비행하던 에어포스원(미 대통령 전용기) 창문에서
찍은 사진. 구름 위로 에어포스원의 그림자가 보인다. /Larry Downing


메라피 화산, 추가 폭발 위험… 11월 1일 인도네시아 요그야카르타 인근 클라텐의 시도레조 마을에서 촬영한 메라피 화산의 모습.
메라피 화산이 지난 30일 아침 또다시 폭발하자 당국은 위험 지역의 범위를 2km 확장시켰다. /Beawiharta


흰색으로 꾸며진 스페인 공동묘지 11월 1일(현지 시간) 스페인 말라가 인근 카사베르메하 공동 묘지에서 한 남성이 무덤 사이를
 지나고 있다. 기독교 신자들은 만성절(萬聖節, 11월 1일)에 가족과 친지들의 무덤을 찾는다. /Jon Nazca


2010년 노벨문학상 수상자 ‘마리오 바르가스 요사’ 2010년 노벨문학상 수상자 마리오 바르가스 요사가 11월 3일(현지 시간)
 스페인 마드리드에서 열린 자신의 신작 소설 ‘켈트의 꿈(The Dream of the Celt)’ 홍보 기자회견에 참석해 이마를 만지고 있다.
 /Andrea Comas


파도속 돌고래 돌고래 한 마리가 5월 21일 남아프리카공화국 더반의 바닷가에서 파도를 타고 있다.

기차에 매달린 이주노동자 온두라스 출신 이주노동자 호세 움베르토 카스트로 씨(26)가 11월 3일(현지 시간) 멕시코 베라크루스 주
오리사바의 국경 지역으로 향하는 화물 열차에 매달려 있다. 매일 수백 명의 중앙아메리카 이주노동자들이 멕시코에서 미국으로
 넘어가기 위해 열차를 타고 있다. /Eliana Aponte


철로 막고 시위하는 반핵 운동가들 반핵(反核) 운동가들이 11월 8일(현지 시간) 독일 다넨베르크 인근 할링겐에서 철로 위에
누워 시위를 하고 있다. 이들은 핵폐기물을 실은 화물 열차들이 저장소로 향하는 것을 막기 위해 이같은 시위를 벌였다.
/Christian Charisius


미얀마로 돌아가는 난민들 미얀마 난민들이 11월 9일(현지 시간) 태국 마에 솟에서 미얀마로 넘어가는 트럭을 타고 있다.
카렌 반군과 미얀마 정부군이 국경 지역인 미야와디에서 충돌하며 약 1만 2,000명의 주민들이 태국으로 피신했다.
/Chaiwat Subprasom


기도 드리는 무슬림 남성 하지(haj) 순례 중인 이슬람교 신자가 11월 11일(현지 시간) 사우디아라비아 메카의 알-누르 산에서
 기도를 드리고 있다. /Mohammed Salem


그레이컵 차지한 몬트리올 알루에츠 몬트리올 알루에츠 선수들이 11월 28일(현지 시간) 캐나다 앨버타 에드먼턴에서 열린
 캐나다풋볼리그(CFL) 제98회 그레이컵 서스캐처원 러프라이더스와의 경기에서 승리를 거둔 뒤 기뻐하고 있다.
/Todd Korol


시위하는 이탈리아 대학생들 이탈리아 대학생들이 11월 30일(현지 시간) 로마 시내에서 정부의 긴축 정책에 반대하는 시위를
벌이고 있다. /Tony Gentile
로이터 'Best of the year' 올해 최고의 사진


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카자흐스탄에서 세금 인상에 항의하며 시위자들이 경찰에게 폭력을 가하는 현장  
VLADIMIR PIROGOV (April 7: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) “It had been drizzling since morning.
There was a rally to protest against tariff hikes planned.
I predicted about 1,000 people would participate.
 I even imagined that police might apply force,
arrest the participants - everything except the events that actually occurred.
The territory around the office was blocked by police.
The rally was badly organized, with each volunteer grabbing a loudspeaker an
d delivering his speech.
When a few buses with special mission units inside drove to the location,
it was clear that no good would come out of it.
When the action started, we tried not to get into the heat of the moment. People,
who were being detained, cried out for us to photograph them to capture the lawlessness.
All of a sudden, a part of the crowd broke the cordon, crossed
the street and rearranged into a separate unit. When they began gathering stones,
 there was trouble in the air. We started thinking of a place to hide when the first stones were raised into the air.
The crowd screamed, youngsters holding sticks and armor attacked the police.
 Some officers fell down to the ground, others ran trying to conceal themselves in nearby yards. Enraged people stormed the police buses to release their arrested comrades. Every second we had to watch all directions as the trouble could have come from anywhere. Activists set a few cars on fire and again stones were set in motion. Finally, policemen dropped their weapons ? one-time grenade launchers, machine guns, sniper rifles, Kalashnikovs ? and fled from the site. It was hard to believe but at that moment I felt that the people could seize the White House. The crowd divided into three groups and attacked the police from different sides, using grenades and other weapons. When the gunfire burst, I was scared. To the bitter end I wanted to believe that we’d be able to avoid dead bodies like in the 2005 March revolution. But the fire intensified and I noticed the first victims. I tried not to think of the worst but realized that it was war all around.” Canon EOS-1D Mark III, lens 16-35mm, f2.8 , 1/2500 sec, ISO 1250


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몇 십년간 최악의 홍수로 파키스탄 이재민들이 구호품을 받으려 착륙 전에 헬기에 향해 달라드는 모습
ADREES LATIF (August 7: Muzaffargarh district, Pakistan) “A week into the biggest humanitarian crises in decades, the Pakistan floods had moved on to submerge areas of southern Punjab province while leaving a trail of death, damaged infrastructure and an uncertain future in the north of the country. As the flood waters ravaged villages and towns along the Indus River basin, I too followed its trail of destruction. After spending days wading through flood waters to tell the story, I arrived in Multan on August 6 in hopes of getting a seat upon a chopper taking part in relief efforts. My goal was to bring light to the vast amount of landmass the floods had covered, the same viewpoint that made U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon note the Pakistan floods were the worst disaster he had ever seen. on the morning of August 7, I was granted a seat on an Army helicopter that was to deliver relief supplies to flooded villages in the Muzaffargarh district of Punjab. After loading the chopper with packets of cooked rice mixed with chickpeas, the crew and a handful of journalists departed in search of marooned villagers. We soon spotted families taking refuge on a cemetery, the only landmass in the area above water. As the helicopter came down to land, dozens of men and boys started to charge, forcing the pilots to hover over the crowd. As the doors to the helicopter opened to distribute food supplies, I saw my chance for a different angle and took a step back before leaping past the crewmen and jumped meters below onto the ground. I knew I had as much time to document the reality of the moment as it would take the crewmen to distribute the relief supplies they had brought. Tripping over mounds and gravestones, I managed to find enough distance from the helicopter to show dozens of hands reaching into the air to catch food rations being thrown down. Seconds later, I fought the dust and force from the propellers to return under the belly of the hovering craft to capture images of villagers hanging onto the skids in hopes of being rescued. After capturing an image that showed their desperation, I went behind the crowd to make eye contact with the crewmen, letting them know I wanted back on before they departed. After getting the visual go-ahead to return, I raced towards the doorways and with the help of a villager, hurdled over the crowd before being pulled up single-handedly by a crewman. As the helicopter started to take off, the elderly man in the photograph, with a white scarf around his neck, managed to hang on and was pulled to safety.” Canon EOS 5D Mark II, lens 16mm, f5.6, 1/400 sec, ISO 250 


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러시아 대형 산불로 여기가 자욱한 가운데 진화를 바라며 치르는 종교의식
DENIS SINYAKOV (August 7: Ryazan region, Russia) “I was really lucky to find this religious procession. It happened by accident when I drove to the village of Kriusha, which was partially burnt by wildfires. I spent a night in my car parked on a roadside in Kriusha. I began to drive away to look for a new location. There was smog. The huge area of the Ryazan region was covered with smog due to hundreds of forest fires in the surrounding areas. I'd already spent two days taking pictures of destroyed villages and firefighters so I was surprised to see an Orthodox priest followed by masked elderly women. I believed that it would be an additional angle to the story I was covering. There were about 30 or 40 women, residents of Kriusha. They prayed and walked in a procession around the village asking God to save their houses, lives and asking for rain. They held the same religious procession twice a week for several weeks. A few days later I saw pictures of the procession taken by another photographer, but there was no smog. I guess I was lucky, because the main point of the picture is the background - a background covered with milky smog.” Canon EOS-1D Mark IV, f5.6, 1/500sec, ISO 400


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멕시코 마약 조직 활동으로 살해된 아버지를 보며 실신하는 딸 
 EDGARD GARRIDO (September 2: El Guante, Honduras) “Sixteen bodies of Hondurans were repatriated on September 1. They were found in the group of the 72 immigrants executed by a drug cartel in Tamaulipas, Mexico, near the border with the U.S. When I heard the news I called relatives of one of the slain immigrants, Miguel Carcamo, in Tegucigalpa. I travelled to El Guante, the town where he was to be buried. After viewing her father’s body and heading to the cemetery, Miguel’s daughter Isabel and her mother fainted on countless occasions. It was the circumstances surrounding this photo that touched me the most. For me, the picture shows all the anguish, pain and abandonment the Carcamo family feel.” Canon EOS1 5D Mark II, lens 17-35mm, f3.5, 1/1300 sec, ISO 100


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티베트 망명자들의 중국 대사관 기습 시위에서 경찰에 끌려가는 한 망명자
 ADNAN ABIDI (March 9: New Delhi, India) “Around 8.30 in the morning I received a message that Tibetans were going to storm the Chinese embassy at 9am. I immediately rushed towards the embassy. When I reached the location I saw my colleague Vijay, so we decided that it would be good if both of us would cover the event. Within no time dozens of exiles, including monks and girls, got off a bus and started shouting slogans and running towards the main gate of the embassy. Police started detaining them. It all happened so fast that within 10 minutes everything was finished. At the end I saw police carrying an exile towards a police vehicle so I immediately started shooting. His facial expression!!!s were so good that I just kept shooting. When the police put him inside the vehicle, I took off the hood of my 16-35mm and kept my lens on the glass of the vehicle to avoid the glare and reflections. I shot more than a dozen frames because there was no time to change my camera ISO and the vehicle was moving. After the shoot it was the time to select the best frame, there were some frames in which photographers and cameramen were reflected in the glass and only one frame in which I could see a policeman was standing behind me. I said to myself, “yes that’s the frame.” Canon March II-N, lens 16-35mm, f4.0, 1/125 sec, ISO 400


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독일 Love Parade에서 몰린 사람들이 출구를 빠져나가면서 아비규환
DANIEL NAUPOLD (July 24: Duisburg, Germany) "Since I am not a fan of huge crowds I only visited the Love Parade to test my new lens. But after 4:30 pm I decided to leave the area. I packed up my SLR and switched to a small camera as I went in the direction of the tunnel to exit. As the pushing in the crowd became harder, I stopped taking pictures and climbed up a dusty hill at the end of the wall. From this elevated position I was able to see the overwhelming crowd of people which fluctuated in scary wavelike movements from one side to the other. Without being aware of the tragedy I was witnessing, I unpacked my camera again and started shooting, concentrating on the people at the entrance of the tunnel. I saw this woman being carried by police officers through the crowd and finally rescued over the stairs. A few seconds later I was prompted by police to proceed and to leave." Canon EOS 500D, lens 70-200mm, f4.0


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벨기에 열차 충돌사고 현장에서 구호조치하는 모습
 THIERRY ROGE (February 15: Halle, Belgium) “I was driving my car to the office when I heard on the radio that a train had crashed near Halle. I was not too far from the site. I made my way there very quickly as my colleague Yves Herman prepared to a fly over the site in a helicopter. I arrived less than one hour after the crash. Nothing was organized. Rescue workers and police were still busy trying to evacuate injured passengers. I walked along the track, crossed it and was in the middle of the scene. There were still a lot of people leaving the train. The weather was cold and snow was falling with a strange feeling of silence. A plainclothes police officer walked along the tracks in my direction carrying a little girl. A few moments later I had to leave the area.” Canon EOS Mark III, lens 28-300mm (at 100mm), f6.4, 1/300 sec, ISO 1000

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지속적으로 늘어나고 있는 남아공의 백인 저소득층 아이들
FINBARR O'REILLY (March 6: Krugersdorp, South Africa) “While most white South Africans still enjoy lives of privilege and relative wealth, the number of poor whites has risen steadily over the past 15 years. White unemployment nearly doubled between 1995 and 2005. Seeking to reverse decades of racial inequality, the ruling ANC government introduced affirmative action laws that promote employment for blacks and aim to give black South Africans a bigger slice of the economy. This shift in racial hiring practices coupled with the fallout from the global financial crisis means many poor white South Africans have fallen on hard times. Many poor whites have ended up in places like Coronation Park in Krugersdorp, west of Johannesburg; a leafy former caravan site beside a water reservoir and a public picnic park frequented by middle-class families at weekends. These boys attend school and play rugby and cricket in their spare time, but this photo was taken on an idle Saturday when there was little else going on. It was my first day at the camp and the boys were bored and happened to congregate on this tire, which had been set up as part of a blockade to the entrance of their squatter camp.” Canon 5D Mark II, lens 24-70mm (at 28mm), f3.5, 1/250 sec, ISO 160


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1년에 한번 일어나는 영구 남부 평원의 퍼시드 유성우
 KIERAN DOHERTY (August 12: Salisbury Plain, southern England) “The Perseid meteor showers happen once a year. I decided to go to the Stonehenge Neolithic monument on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire to try and shoot this spectacle. Using a tripod, a Nikon D700 and a 24mm lens, with an exposure of 7 minutes at 2.8, I somehow managed to capture a classic looking tipped perseid meteor directly over the stones. I wanted the stars to streak to give the picture some aesthetic impact, and in doing so it also widened my chances of catching a meteor on a long exposure. I sat there with my flask of tea for about 5 hours, trying to shoot in between security guards patrolling the stones with their torches. I didn’t know that I had anything until I got back to the car. The cold had really forced me to give up by then, even though it was mid August. I was pretty happy with the frame. I just got lucky.” Nikon D700, lens 24mm, f2.8, 7 minutes


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인도 북부의 홍수로 강이 범란되자 고립된 여자들를 구급팀이 구출하는 모습
 AJAY VERMA (September 8: Punchkula, northern India) “I received information from local police personnel that there was a flash flood in the river Ghaghar. Three women were stuck in the floodwaters and the rescue team was going to rescue those women. When I reached the location I saw a huge crowd on the bridge of the river. The police were controlling the crowd. Rescue workers, members of the army and locals were preparing to conduct the rescue. The rescue operation got underway and took some 30 minutes to complete. The victims were in shock following their ordeal and were rushed t o a nearby hospital. This was the first rescue operation I had covered and I was amazed to see how these flash floods could destroy lives and property in mere minutes.” Canon EOS 5D, lens 200mm, 1/500 sec, ISO 640


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칠에 탄광 붕괴 사고 후 정부에서 설치한 연락장치에 첫 모습을 드러낸 광부
 IVAN ALVARADO (August 26: Copiapo, Chile) “The miner in this photo is Johnny Barrios. This was part of the first video that the government distributed showing the condition of the miners. My first impulse was to take a clean photo just of the screen as a simple reproduction or frame grab. I looked for a dark place to eliminate reflections and put the laptop on top of a vehicle. I took one step back and the composition just came to me. The lights on the rocky horizon are from the mine, and the moon appeared just above. What I originally meant to be a simple reproduction became my way of illustrating a part of the miners’ story.” Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, f5.6, 1/25, ISO 1600


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가장 오래된 네팔 은행 건물 화재에 개인 소유의 집을 보호하려 안간힘을 쓰느 모습 
 NAVESH CHITRAKAR (April 17: Kathmandu, Nepal) “It was very early in the morning that I received a call from a friend of a friend that there was a fire at the Nepal Bank building. Since this bank is the oldest private bank in the country and has large sums of deposits from all over the country, the fire struck me as a very serious incident. I immediately grabbed my gear and rushed to the fire site. After discovering that the fire was not in the main building but at the store adjoining the main building, I went past the struggling band of Army, police and firemen. As the bank’s store house was built near the privately owned houses I could hear the women of that house crying and screaming fearing the fire might engulf their house. The shot I took was of one of those private houses and the owners trying to put out the fire to save their house from the approaching flames. The people were desperately trying to spray water from every angle possible. The panic-stricken neighbors were finally at ease when the firefighters gradually put out the fire.” Canon EOS 1D Mark II, lens 200mm, f2.8, 1/640 sec, ISO 800


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뉴욕 패트릭 성당 앞 5번가 부활절 퍼레이드 행사 중 멋을 내 나온 한 모녀
JESSICA RINALDI (April 4: New York, USA) “The Easter Bonnet Parade is one of the less structured parades that happen in New York City. Each Easter, people come dressed in their Sunday best wearing all sorts of crazy hats and outfits to walk along a portion of 5th Avenue that runs in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral in what ends up being more of a directionless stroll than a coordinated show of pageantry. I had never covered it before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. When I got there people were lined up along the sidewalk waiting for the road to be shut down so that they could take to the street. I started to make my way through the crowd when I noticed the mother and daughter in this photograph waiting at the crosswalk. I made a bee line for them and got there just as the streets were opening up. I shot a few pictures of them from the front as they were walking up the street but it was when I slowed down to let them pass and shot the image of them from behind with 5th Ave stretching out in front of them that I felt I had really conveyed the sense of nostalgia that drew me to them in the first place.” Canon Mark III, lens 16-35mm, f4.5, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400


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산사태로 가족을 잃은 티 주민의 통곡
 ALY SONG (August 10: Zhouqu County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, China) ““Zhouqu” in Tibetan means the Bailong River, which runs across the once peaceful county. At Zhouqu, thousands of residents mourned their missing relatives at the site of devastating landslides. This woman was crying, and couldn’t stand without the help of her companions. Sounds of misery came from every direction in the valley, up and down like waves. Together with the machines growling, the shovels and rocks colliding, it seemed that I was listening to a live symphony of sorrow. To be honest, my mind was blank during that time, and pressing the shutter became my body’s conditioned response.” Canon EOS 5D Mark II, lens 16-35mm, f2.8, 1/1500 sec, ISO 100


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영국-호주 럭비 경기에서 귀가 찢어진 데이비드 플래트만
TIM WIMBORNE (June 15: Gosford, Australia)
“Towards the end of the match against the Australian Barbarians team, England’s David Flatman, whose ears ordinarily identify years of rugby abuse, stood midfield during a conversion attempt. I didn’t see the moment this may have happened but he was in the thick of it so it could have been an injury that was compounded through the game. I saw that he was bleeding only when he stopped during play. It really didn’t seem to faze him at all. Perhaps he’s so used to blood and pain that it makes no impact on him.” Canon Mark IV, lens 400mm, f2.8, 1/1250 sec, ISO 2000


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샹하이 엑스포에서 꼬마 모델이 포즈를 취하고 있다.
ALY SONG (April 25: Shanghai, China)
 “Every day, there was something interesting going on at the Shanghai Expo.
 I was walking around the Expo site when I saw this girl posing for photographs
in a very professional and funny way. After I took this picture, I looked back at her mother,
only to find that the mother was also beautiful and stylish, like a model.
 I said to myself “like mother, like daughter”.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, lens 50mm, f1.6, 1/3000 sec, ISO 50


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소말리아 모가디슈 총탄으로 벌집이 된 해변 도시에서 생계를 이어려 상어를 옮기고 있다.
FEISAL OMAR (September 23: Mogadishu, Somalia)
“It was an unexpected moment as I saw the young man coming towards me carrying
a shark on his shoulders as I was heading to other assignments.
The background of the picture tells the whole story.
This young man is a fisherman striving to do his work in a city like Mogadishu.
 As you can see the back ground is littered with bullet scarred buildings.” Sony 13.6 mega pixels camera


하이티에서 식량 고갈로 UN으로부터 배급을 받으려는 손
 CARLOS BARRIA (January 27: Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
“I was out on a routine morning drive around the city
when someone told me food was being distributed near the presidential palace,
so I asked my driver, Polanco, to take me there. When
I arrived the distribution was almost over.
 U.N. soldiers were running out of food and the lines were still long.
Tension was starting to simmer over. After taking a couple of frames,
 I walked around looking for something different,
another way to show the frustration that people were experiencing.
I walked along a line of people who had been waiting for hours.
The line had moved up against a wall, as people sought shade.
I saw a woman in her 40’s,  with a tired face that seemed to reflect hours
 spent waiting for food for herself and her family.
She put her hand on a cracked wall to lean in and rest a bit.
I stopped next to her and I shot the picture.” Canon 5D Mark II,
lens 35mm, f1.4, 1/1600 sec, ISO 50